Jazz Super F&F Package


On-Net Minutes


SMS to All Networks

1 Day


Rs. 9.56

Including Tax


Enjoy Free Unlimited Calls and SMS to your family members and friends. The package comes with an price tag of rs.9.56 and the validity is 1 day.

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Jazz Call Packages

How to Subscribe Jazz Super F&F Package

  • To Subscribe: *141*F&F_number#
  • Status String:  *141*2#
  • Info String: *141*3#

Terms and Conditions

  • Limited Time Offer.
  • The offer is subject to change at any time.
  • Call setup fee of Rs 0.15 (Tax Inclusive) will be charged on the first pulse for each call.
  • For balance inquiry, dial *111# for Rs. 0.24 (Tax Inclusive).
  • For any additional query, call 111 Helpline for Rs. 2.39 (Tax Inclusive).
  • Withholding Tax of 12.5% applies on recharge/bill.
  • In Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, and Kpk, service charges of 5% and operational fee of 5% apply on recharge, and 19.5% Fed applies on usage.
  • In the Federal Territory, FATA, AJK, and Gilgit Baltistan, service charges of 5.11% and operational fee of 5.11% apply on recharge, and 17% Fed applies on usage.
  • Prices will be 2.14% higher in the Federal Territory, FATA, AJK, and Gilgit Baltistan.

Adnan is a passionate writer and mobile technology enthusiast.